1.Application of SOLAS Approved Marine Inflatable Life Rafts / Self-righting Inflatable Life Raft
KHZ type self-righting inflatable life raft is apllicable for installing ships on category I voyage area(international voyages).
2.Standard of SOLAS Approved Marine Inflatable Life Rafts / Self-righting Inflatable Life Raft
KHZ type self-righting inflatable life raft is in accordance with SOLAS(74/96), MSC.81(70), MSC.218(82) and LSA, etc.
4.Inflation method of SOLAS Approved Marine Inflatable Life Rafts / Self-righting Inflatable Life Raft
After throw-over from ship, the life-raft can be inflated and opened automatically. If the ship sinks very fast and the life-raft cann't be thrown-over, the raft still can float up from water under the action of Hidrostatic Release Unit which can be inflated and opened automatically.
5. Max. Storage Height of SOLAS Approved Marine Inflatable Life Rafts / Self-righting inflatable Life Raft
The installation height is 18-36m from water surface.